Saturday, 24 May 2014

John Green - Crash Course Literature

John Green, author of The Fault in Our Stars, brings a unique insight into Hamlet with his quirky sense of humour (and a great Scooby Do joke). This is a twelve minute video under the Crash Course Literature banner which takes you through the underlying themes of Hamlet. Is Hamlet the greatest procrastinator, or is he just a young man with a lot on his plate? 

This analysis is delivered in a fresh and engaging way with lots of changing scenes and graphics which make it visually interesting and easy to follow (you are not just watching a talking head). 

Green brings up all sorts of interesting facts to engage the viewer and lead them on to other avenues of thought (who would have thought that the Disney film - The Lion King - had Hamlet overtones?). The material is edited by educational staff so that you can be confident that it is not another Green work of fiction. 
This is not a resource to be used as stand alone, but to be a jumping off point into further research.

There are other parts in the series to follow up on, and the Crash Course website has many other interesting topics to delve into. 

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